
English housewife and mother in Switzerland. Needs meaningful occupation to prevent life of crime.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Hurray for packet food!

Hallelujah, ah have seeeeen uh thu LIGHT! After ages poo-pooing food additives and carefully making up meals from scratch, repeating things like 5-a-day, fresh, wholefoods to myself while martyrishly scrubbing mud off the organic vegetables, I know now that NONE OF THIS IS NECESSARY.

There is this great stuff, the Swiss call it 'Stocki': basically, it's Smash. You boil up a bit of milk and water, stir in a packet of Stocki, and ta-daaa! You have mashed potatoes. And it tastes really nice. There is a bit of E this and that, but we didn't get hives and Emma didn't suddenly develop ADHD.

Tomorrow we will have banana custard. With Bird's custard powder! I can hardly wait.

Next week: the Scho's discover microwave meals!


At 1:30 AM, Blogger Alexis said...

You are such a great Mum - I have this fear that when I have kids I will have to take them round to look in the windows of women like you to show them what they could have had. . . . xx

At 3:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I miss Stocki.. and as for those microwave meals.. I hear they are good... :-) My husband would eat anything. As for my kids.. rice with ketchup works fine lol

At 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely - moderation in everything, a bit of instant mash never hurt anyone. J discovered Pringles this week-end, loved that MSG.

At 1:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, your descent has only just begun.....
Ezra has just eaten an extremely chocolatey mini roll and a Greggs sausage roll.
And me, an alledged foodie...

At 3:14 PM, Blogger leon's life said...

I do this too, throw in a few bits of chopped up ham, cover in grated cheese (out of a packet) and stick it in the oven and you have a childs gourmet meal !

If you really want to be exotic, crack an egg in the middle before sprinkling with cheese.

At 9:36 PM, Blogger Marie said...

Is this in any way related to the "from now on I am only wearing smocks" post?

At 11:09 AM, Blogger Ms Mac said...

God, I miss a sausage roll.

At 9:25 AM, Blogger Tooting bird said...

Alexis: You're too kind. Shall I tell you about the time I left Emma to chew on the loo brush while I read a magazine?
Thanks for the tips, B, Lil and Leon.
Leanne and MM: Mmm. Greggs. Mmm. sausage rolls....wanders off in a trance to find some
Marie: yes, well-spotted. Smocks, smash - let's start a 70s revival!


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