
English housewife and mother in Switzerland. Needs meaningful occupation to prevent life of crime.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Oh no. The Methadone story. This is a story from my mental faculties' Drawer of Shame.

I was on nights. It was about 3am. There was a man who came out of his room very agitated, saying could he have his methadone, he'd not had his methadone..and looking very angry and fidgety. My colleague and I checked his drug chart; methadone not signed for, so we gave it.
Little did we realise that someone had given it about 4 hours earlier and signed for it on an old chart.

When we did realise what had happened, it was extremely un-hilarious. We could have killed him.

I learnt four things from that incident. One: night shifts can make you a bit doolally and you need to triple check everything. Two: when someone is addicted to drugs, don't believe a word they say. Three: no-one has ever died from not getting methadone. You may make them extremely annoyed, but you won't kill them. You may feel like killing them (if you have a heart of stone, like me) but you won't actually do so by depriving them of Methadone. And four: I will never, ever make that mistake again.

Mental note to self: must be less cavalier about what I promise to write about next.

In my next post; what life was like before my sex change.


At 1:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL sexchange? can't wait !!!!


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