
English housewife and mother in Switzerland. Needs meaningful occupation to prevent life of crime.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Some worrying developments (though trivial really. Small 'w'.)

Firstly, I have outgirthed my last pair of pregnancy trousers, which happened also to be the perfect jeans. This is a sad day. I have nowhere to go short of Elizabeth Taylor style kaftans, and I'm jiggered if I'm going to spend any money on more threads with 8 weeks to go. (After all, I'll be back in my size 10 Gap bootcuts within a few hours of the birth *closes eyes and believes very hard*) I might get the sewing machine out later and convert the sofa cover into something appropriate.

Secondly, we had about a foot of snow last night. Cool! That's to say cool if you have a) appropriate footwear b) a centre of gravity and c) a 3 wheeler pram and d) gritted pavements. This last one really makes me rant: let's grit the roads at 4 in the morning for the poor wittle motowists, but pavements, who cares, even on a 70 degree slope? Die, pedestrians, die!

I may have been too hasty about Birdsong.


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