
English housewife and mother in Switzerland. Needs meaningful occupation to prevent life of crime.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Harping on about it

The thing is, celeriac is the sort of thing I would see on a menu and go "Oh, celeriac; fancy vegetable, probably foreign; don't know if I like it; might go for mince." And now my daughter (my daughter!) eats it without flinching. We are trying puree of beetroot tonight, more of an experiment really. Please don't call the child protection people.

Tonight we are hosting a flamenco evening. A colleague of Rob's is a superfly flamenco guitarist. We have invited our entire apartment block, even the guy on the ground floor with the big dog. I hope the big dog doesn't come, or any dogs at all. I need to make a big vat full of Sangria, which I think is red wine, fruit and sugar. Punch, where I come from. And tapas. (Snacks, sic.)

As you can see, it's not all bad. Occasionally, I miss Eastenders.*

*although not the Ferreiras. Please tell me they've been axed. They were rubbish.


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