
English housewife and mother in Switzerland. Needs meaningful occupation to prevent life of crime.

Monday, August 23, 2004


Hello again. Sorry, another quick one today due to a) jaw-droppingly expensive cafe and b) faint fug of naughty herbs and sleeping baby combination. I think cannabis is decriminalised here, or else the Swiss police are turning a serious blind eye, which is quite funny really as you can be fined for not having your passport + 10 CHF on you at all times. (I wonder if the fine for not having your passport is 10 CHF?) Anyway, there are somethings best left to the wayward teenage years, and even then I pray for merciful ignorance.

Anyway, hooray for small victories. I have bought a pay as you go phone. I have been taught how to use the communal washing machine by the concierge's wife, who speaks French with a very heavy Portuguese accent. That plus my rubbish French must make quite good sitcom material. I have located the supermarket and the post office. Disappointingly, they don't sell proper tea. Poncey stuff, like English Breakfast, and plenty of twigs-in-a-bag (herbal: don't get me started) but no Builder's. But you can get horse steak, lots of it, si tu aimes manger le gi-gis.

Still no phone (landline), internet or post. The key to our little post box is missing, which is annoying +++. I need a device similar to a thing that picks up litter, only smaller and bendy.

Missing my friends more than i can say, but won't write much about that as it'll make me blub, and i don't want to do that, especially not here.

Time's up.


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