
English housewife and mother in Switzerland. Needs meaningful occupation to prevent life of crime.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

v.v.quick one

hello friends. Apologies for another long delay between posts. In case any of their employees are doing a web search, ****SWISSCOM ARE RUBBISH***, and that is why we still don't have email at home after 7 weeks of being here, hence I am still being furtive at R's workplace. the minute I have email i will be all over you all like a rash.

I had a great birthday, thank you. Emma is huge, like a giant pastry. She looks a bit like Les Dawson these days, and that is a worry. She is refusing to eat vegetables, and i am trying not to have a sense of humour failure about this. Still haven't got the healthcare thing cracked, she isn't up to date with her injections and hasn't been weighed for 2 months. But then I catch her gurning, Les Dawson-style, and my guts tell me she's OK.

Must be off. Going through a bit of a homesick moment, generally, but otherwise tickety boo.


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