
English housewife and mother in Switzerland. Needs meaningful occupation to prevent life of crime.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The humiliation continues

Teenagers. Don't you just love them?

Yesterday I was waiting at the pedestrian crossing in my T shirt and lycra trousers (see? I am getting serious), jumping up and down and dancing, Rocky-style as I waited for the green man. Of course it looked silly, but I was mid-run, pumped, and was afraid that if I stopped suddenly my whole body would seize up and I would fall into a coma.

Along came a gang of youths cat-calling, whooping and making strange, gibbon noises, all directed at me, the strange, bouncing, lycra lady. Did I
a) whip out a can of mace from my sports bra and spray them in the eyes?
b) turn the other cheek, give them a radiant smile and say "I forgive your mockery. Jesus loves you, young scallys!"
c)stare straight ahead, turn beetroot and tried to change the lights with the power of my mind?

It was only when I got home that I realised I don't think I've ever seen a group of people in Switzerland get so excited in public.


At 11:53 PM, Blogger Ms Mac said...

You're very brave! Not only wearing lycra but wearing it in public and bouncing about in it!

Is this the beginning of Switzerland's Hoodie Youth Culture?

ps. Remember to immediately download that updated web browser. It seems pretty urgent!

At 10:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

These things are sent to try us. My admiration grows...

At 10:05 AM, Blogger Aaron Stewart said...

I think that teenagers are probably the reason boarding schools were invented.


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