
English housewife and mother in Switzerland. Needs meaningful occupation to prevent life of crime.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year

Here are my New Year's Resolutions.

Number 1. I am never travelling on an aeroplane with young children ever, ever, ever, ever again, at least not without a tranquiliser gun about my person.

Number 2. I am going to give this blog a makeover. I am sick of Easyjet orange. It makes my eyes hurt.

Number 3. I am going to make the concierge love me. I will take my washing out in a timely fashion; I will invite him to parties at our flat; I will serenade him with a kareoke machine outside his front door if I have to. Anything for a quiet life.

Number 4. This April I shall run 20km instead of the usual 10km. Gaaahhh. If I've written it, that means I have to do it.

Number 5. I will buy a piano and play it. I was quite good once. Though I wonder if this will hinder progress with Number 3.

(plus be nicer, more eco, eat less lard, give up smacking blah blah blah. )

Off we go!


At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buy an electric piano, it's cheaper, plus you have volume control and a place to plug in headphones if the kids are asleep. I got away with one in an apartment for 5 years...my neighbour had a real one and got complaints all the time. That way you can still keep resolution number 3! :)

At 8:53 AM, Blogger Minks said...

I had to lie down when I read the 20k bit. 1 run 2k at the gym and crosstrain another 4k. I consider myself superhuman becuse I drag myself to a warm carpeted airconditioned room with swanky machines (and rubbish music) You are my fitness hero.


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