
English housewife and mother in Switzerland. Needs meaningful occupation to prevent life of crime.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Poor diddums

There are some days when I look at the lake and the mountains and think "Wow! Lucky me! Isn't this terrific!", and there are other days when I would give anything to be sitting in the Gordon Bennett sipping a warm lager shandy and watching hoodies assault each other on a plastic-bag strewn Tooting High Street.

The friends hunt has still not yielded any results. There was promise with a nice Australian lady who lives around the corner - but she has had the nerve to go back to Australia. Doesn't she know about the drought, that she'll be forced to drink recycled sewage? So what if you can't get Vegemite here?

The girls are both poorly with ear infections and strep throat. The bad news: forcing them to take medicine three times a day (it's banana-flavoured and smells yum, but still, they hate it.) The good news: they both sleep a lot more. Yippee!

And it's raining.

No friends; in quarantine; raining.

Someone pass me a violin, now.


At 2:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for some time now and felt it was time I left a comment! this is not some spam reply - have you tried Genevaonline? (http://www.genevaonline.ch/) ok, its more Geneva based but there are alot of people in Vaud too, and it's for all ages, people with kids etc... just an idea! good luck!

At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woe is you. But you know your fan club is enormous and global, so maybe you only deserve a triangle not a violin. Plus I just heard on radio 4 this morning on Our Correspondent that Switzerland has the most extensive nuclear shelter facilities in the world with room for everyone in the whole country, so you should be counting your blessings. (check it out, you can download it on line).
Now that would be an amazing opportunity to make friends, even if they don't have the kind of Starbucks facilities you are after.
We miss you lots over in the UK

At 5:31 AM, Blogger BuBu_Bubsie said...

Hope ur daughters will get well soon. :)

At 2:51 PM, Blogger andrea said...

hope the girls get better soon.
potty training... n wants to wear pants but doesn't want to use the potty or toilet. very messy and now blame a momentary lack of reason for being in this position
we miss you and would love to see you again soon.

andrea xx


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