
English housewife and mother in Switzerland. Needs meaningful occupation to prevent life of crime.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


OK, what shall I write about today?

Well, congratulations, struggling author on getting a publisher for her book. If the quality of the book matched the quality of the blog, then it's about time. It has made me think of titles for the book I may one day write. So far I have come up with Picking Things Off the Floor and I don't want to look like Crystal Carrington: my hair and I.

Gloria is much better. Let's take a look.

Emma likes to look at people and call them either "man!" or "lady!" It can be sweet, except for yesterday when she pointed at someone and said "man!" when it was actually umm, a "lady!"

Last night I made a horrid-tasting pumpkin soup. Oh pumpkin, how I hate thee. You won't taste nice whatever herbs I chuck at you. (Though you make nice puree, which G wolfs down.)

That's all.


At 2:48 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

One of the great things baout being 2 years old and cute is that you can say things like that and be forgiven. Don't try it yourself though. By the way, Gloria looks absolutely SWEET. Must introduce her to the very eligible Sebastian...

At 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being bilingual and quite confused (read, a bit dim), I pointed at a fat lady on the metro in Paris and loudly said "maman, regarde comme elle est grosse la damme", thinking no one would understand. My mum still cringes about it. And no, that wasn't last year.
Re the pumpkin, I blame the herbs. Try chilli or cinnamon instead.

At 9:11 AM, Blogger Minks said...

so glad she's better, and looking glorious!!

At 1:33 AM, Blogger Marie said...

Thanks for the shout Switzerlady. Also, before you write your book, I should probably point out that's it's a far more hideous spelling, like Krystelle. Ick.

At 8:38 AM, Blogger Word Imp said...

Okay, here's my pumpkin soup recipe then. Fry the pumpkin pieces first. Once they're brown, put them in a pot with water and chicken stock to just cover them. Bring to boil and simmer for as long as it takes. Near the end add a tin or half a tin of tomatoes. I think that's all. Then I puree the lot, getting rid of liquid if it's too runny as I like my soup thick. Hope that helps.

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