
English housewife and mother in Switzerland. Needs meaningful occupation to prevent life of crime.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Non-news story

Gloria has another cold. Yipidee-doo-dah. Once again my smily chubby little cherub has turned into an inconsolable, snotty, coughing ball of misery. Add to that a new tooth on its way and you have someone very angry with the world. She is screaming as I write this - I am hoping she will go to sleep (she's also been up since 5am, which by my calculation, would make her tired. It's now 5 pm.)

I am annoyed for two reasons. One: she has had a cold on average, every 3 weeks since she was born and it seems rather unfair for her to have another one. Two: why is she so poorly when she is still being exclusively breastfed?

(Screaming update: still going strong. Action: nothing. Not yet.)

Every book I have read on the subject is very pro-breast. Some people would have you believe that breastfed babies are more likely to eat their greens, go to university, help old ladies across the road and generally heal the world. I think this is bonkers. But even the non-bonkers experts maintain that it gives babies some extra help with their immunity.

(Screaming update: waaah, waaah, waaah. Action: nothing. But wobbly.)

So why is Gloria's immune system so rubbish? She picks up everything that's going. In my mind it can either mean a) breastfeeding is overrated or b) my breastmilk is rubbish because it is actually Tizer in disguise. (This would also explain while she won't sleep at night.)

(Screaming update: see above. Action: sweaty palms. will go in a minute.)

I am wondering if there is something more serious wrong with her. One of R's doctor colleagues suggested getting her tested for cystic fibrosis, but I am 99.9% sure she doesn't have it as there is no family history on either side. But could she have something else? Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me and I am just sick of her being (ordinairily) sick.

(Screaming update: full metal jacket. Action: I'm off to give her a kiss and a squeeze.)


At 2:41 AM, Blogger Marie said...

Poor you. Poor Glory. Knowing nothing about babies or helth I can't add anything to that, but you have all my sympathy.

At 2:41 AM, Blogger Marie said...

I mean, I know so little about health I can't even spell it...

At 12:21 AM, Blogger Fashion Detective said...

Poor Glory! Colds are rubbish. I'm sure she's just been in the wrong place at the wrong time with regard to cold viruses, but keep us up-to-date.

At 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My hubby who works with your hubby showed me your blog. I'm quite certain that your little one only has a cold because everyone who works with our husbands comes to work with a 40°C fever and sniffling all over the place and giving it our husbands who bring it home to our kids. (Sorry, this is one of my biggest pet peeves...) Our littlest currently has the sniffles too...last night was the first night in a week that he hasn't screamed inconsolably for hours on end...It'll pass...until the next co-worker sneezes on your husband... ;)

At 2:56 PM, Blogger Minks said...

Ezra has caught every cold known to man since he was born. The docs kept saying it was normal but he was never well. He was diagnosed with viral induced asthma following two acute attacks and various colds and chesty coughs (at least one a month and during the winter months he never really recovered). It seems he's been suffering since he was born and never really had the chance to build any immunity. He too was exclusively breastfed.
Being ill affected his sleep, his appetite, and thus the development of his palate (he still hardly eats anything), and his growth. I can't begin to tell you what a different person he is now he is receiving the right treatment and the great news is he should grow out of this type of asthma. Docs are reluctant to diagnose asthma in the very young, but it is very common. We pulled our hair out with worry for almost two years. I hope Gloria doesn't have what Ez has but maybe its worth looking into. Best of luck- I know how terrifying and frustrating it is xx

At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor little mite. It may also be linked to the fact that she has an older sister, exposed to many other small children, who has already built up immunity but carries in germs. Also, I have been told that every cold virus is different and therefore we have many when we are little and then get progressively fewer as we get older because we start to meet the ones we've already had and have become immune to. So I guess it will improve with time. Horrid though, I particularly hate it when they can't feed because they can't breathe and get more and more frustrated. Good luck.

At 8:49 AM, Blogger dovegreyreader said...

I've just found this whole new blog world via Marie and I can never keep quiet on the subject of babies because it's what I do for a day job, spreading joy and happiness amongst the mothers and babies of the UK.
Colds are really really good to catch because it means their immune systems are cranking up for action.There is also evidence now to show that babies who are exposed to all this at this age are less likely to get much more nasty things so wipe up that snot with pride.
And yes fully breast fed, you could certainly have expected her to have split the atom if it hadn't already been done, she'll think of something else.


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