
English housewife and mother in Switzerland. Needs meaningful occupation to prevent life of crime.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

I am going through a Personal Improvement stage, and am reading - wait for it - The Idiot, by Fyodor Dostoeyvsky. That bit of high-class literary name-dropping was to show you that a) I don't just spend hours on the internet looking for pictures of Jordan in her wedding dress (couldn't find any) b) to impress you with how clever and intellectual I am and c) to genuinely try and stop my brain from rotting away, especially as I read the other week that the brain is an organ also in need of regular exercise, and even my daily Sudoku habit has been on the wane of late.

Now can the bookish, boffiny types out there please explain to me what's going on? (In the book.) There is a lot of sitting around in aristocratic salons. There is a lot of arguing. There is some bad behaviour: drunkenness from the men, bustle-rustling hissy fits from the women. There are very long, Russian names. (Ivan Nastypersonalitch. OK, I made that up.) Some people have consumption. But I am struggling to 'get it', and don't feel very personally improved. Should I give up?


At 1:46 PM, Blogger Marie said...

That's Russian novels for you. If you read Dr Zhivago, you'll notice that they keep pausing in their running away from the reds (or is it the whites?) to talk about Tolstoy's role in the philosophical history of Russia. Having said that, I haven't actually read The Idiot - I have, however, read Crime and Punishment, which is pacy and plot-heavy enough to at least entertain you while you're feeling clever.

At 2:51 PM, Blogger Ms Mac said...

Can't you find an abridged version and just pretend? That's what I'd do. Or wait for the movie to come out.

At 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dostoeyvsky? hmmmm... try this instead: http://www.ok.co.uk/indepth.html?cart=1127407077857594&sku=487&v_link=6
JJ xx

At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personnellement, je ne l'ai jamais touche, mais une de mes amies a eu la malchance de le lire en entier. Elle en presque devenue senile et a fait des cauchemars pendant des nuits entieres ! Mefiance ! Mon conseil : abandonner avant que ton cerveau ne fondeā€¦

Bonne journee swisslil!


PS: tu as trouve des idees pour l'anniversaire de ton mari le jardinier? D'ailleurs, comment vont les tomates?...

At 5:47 PM, Blogger Marie said...

People comment on your blog in foreign languages! You see, you are clever. You don't need to read Russian novels to prove it.


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