
English housewife and mother in Switzerland. Needs meaningful occupation to prevent life of crime.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Shut up PLEASE about the giro

OK, enough about the blummin' giro and my faux Dickensian poverty gags, I am beginning to bore even myself. In case (though I soo doubt) you need closure on this issue, here's what happened today:
I phoned the insurance people.
They said they had only received one bill.
I wailed that I had sent them about four bills.
Then I remembered that I (stupid! stupid! stupid! cow) had forgotten to make copies of the bills before sending the originals to the insurance people.
Then I made a desperate call to Dr Happy Frankfurter, ready to beg her not to send me a summons for non-payment while we are on holiday.
Then her answering machine told me she was herself on holiday until August 15th.
Which is fine by me, unless of course I suffer an obtstetric emergency.
But then I would probably phone an ambulance and not HF anyway.


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