
English housewife and mother in Switzerland. Needs meaningful occupation to prevent life of crime.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

ominous dripping

I hate things when they break. I hate them even more if I can't fix them myself (which is most often the case. Sadly.)
I hate them most of all if water is involved.

What is it with water? Why can't it just stay in its pipes? Or come out of taps, but only if you instruct it thus?

We have a leak from one of the radiators. This afternoon it went Drip. Drip. Drip. Now it's going dripdripdripdripdripdripdripdrip. The largest saucepan we own is underneath it, but in an hour or so it will be full. What are we going to do tonight? (wrings hands) (Then wrings out flood-sodden tea towel.)


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