
English housewife and mother in Switzerland. Needs meaningful occupation to prevent life of crime.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Big baby

Had Emma weighed yesterday and it's official: she's enormous.  She weighs 5.8kg (which is nearly 13lb to you Luddites. We're metric now.  Get over it.)  That's nearly 6 bags of sugar, a family sack of potatoes or 2 medium watermelons.  You see, despite being more or less totally innumerate, I find numbers pretty interesting.  Did you know they are still looking for prime numbers? And that you can get software that will search for them while you tippety-tap doing other things, like blogging for instance.  If one comes up - we're talking numbers to the power of zillions, here - all kinds of alarms go off followed by a clandestine phone call from the Pentagon and a cash offer.  Not that I have this on my computer, and perhaps I've watched the Matrix once too often.

In answer to those car boot queries, some items are highly collectable - vinyl, especially, and not even in that good nick. Small, ratty-faced men (DJs? Though why did they walk off with The Chicken Song?) come round at 7am and buy bag-loads.  And the 40-something ladies - Eastern European? - seemed to love the decorative item that might end up in a display category of some sort: hence C&D mug.  Not that I wish to generalise...


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