
English housewife and mother in Switzerland. Needs meaningful occupation to prevent life of crime.

Monday, July 05, 2004

It's all Greek to me

Well layer me with mince and call me a moussaka! I love a victorious underdog. I'm not sure what was the best part of the match for me - the pitch invader trying his best to be a human goal for Portugal, or the Rev'd Gary Linker's "and so it shall be, as it was in the beginning, for now and for evermore unto the...blah blah(??)." Perhaps he'd been at the Retsina.

Good things about Greece:
Birthplace of democracy
Fancy statues e.g. Elgin marbles
Aegean sea, and beautiful islands therein
Funny arms-outstretched-wobbly-fingers gesture of Greek football supporters

Bad things about Greece:
Nana Miskouri
Leery Brits being idiots on beautiful Aegean islands

Emma had her first round of injections today. She screamed and got extremely cross. I've been cuddling her non-stop since and kissing her soft little head. She is brunette, like Rob. (Kind people would say my hair is 'ash blonde': everyone else says it's 'mouse'.) There is no smell in the world like freshly-washed baby hair.


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