Ye gads, it's hot out there.
I don't really do hot.
I'm too hot to go to the park, even, and the Elf is amusing herself by tipping clothes pegs onto the floor and eating them, and as long as she's happy..
I went to the pediatrician yesterday for the first time. She was nice, if a bit brusque; professional rather than charming.
"When did you move here?" she said
"August last year" I replied.
"And who has been looking after Emma in the meantime?"
"No-one?" (loud, shocked incredulous tone.)
" Umm, excuse, excuse, helpless gesture, please-don't-be-mean"
Then I said that she was a very healthy girl but that she didn't like drinking milk.
"She doesn't drink milk?"
Then she gave me a packet of milk flavouring powder by a very famous, very huge Swiss multinational (they don't need me to advertise for them, and if you want my opinion neither did she) and told me to try it. Fair enough, she had a valid point and she wants the best for my elf. Despite the couple of frissons above, I liked her.
The Elf quite liked the flavoured milk, but got bored after about 5 gulps. I saw this stuff in the supermarket today and it costs over 6 CHF (£3.00) for about 300g. Ouch.
My instinct is to not buy it. She loves cheese and yoghurt, and up til now I've been very happy just to give her plenty of these milk alternatives. But now I feel a bit angsty about whether I should be pushing the milk thing a bit more.
And there's another part of me that feels bonkers for worrying, that we are so lucky with everything we have available here and take for granted. If you happen to be a baby in South Sudan, you get fermented sorghum and that's pretty much it. I'm conscious that that sounds sanctimonious and guilt-inducing, but it's not intended to be either. It's only a statement of fact.
I'd also just like to remind you all that Mrs Principles here has just polished off the last of the Stroopwaffeln..
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