
English housewife and mother in Switzerland. Needs meaningful occupation to prevent life of crime.

Friday, October 29, 2004

An Historic Day

Emma, a.k.a The Chubby Queen/ La Reine Joufflue, CAN SIT UP. Yesterday she managed it for the first time without going wibbly-wobbly and falling over again. She stayed put for nearly a minute (chewing some newspaper as it happens.)

I am bursting with pride, and may even have to take a break to dance a jig of joy


Sorry to have been absent. I have spent the last week tasting the life of a single parent, and it's brought me to my knees.

Thanks for the comments, I feel a lot less lonesome. By the way: I called the last entry Mr Proper because that is the name of some cleaning fluid. I think back home he's Mr Muscle. Either way, he looks like Mr Gay Uk if you ask me.


At 12:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a T-shirt out with his semblance on it and "Mr Queen" as caption.


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