
English housewife and mother in Switzerland. Needs meaningful occupation to prevent life of crime.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

power back on

Power has resumed, hallelujah. It actually returned about an hour later - no need to light a single candle or even fiddle with a torch. According to World Radio Geneva, a cable collapsed affecting a 60km area along the lake. This just adds to my theory that Things Go Wrong Here Too.

Thanks for all the comments friends, foes, close family members, mothers of babies that I know. (I loved reading the Top Tens, by the way.) It was a bit like the cyber equivalent of having a cup of tea in a lively living room.

It has been drizzling all day, but GUESS WHAT: Emma is crawling. We have moved on from the all-fours-rock and the little bunnyhops across the room. Today there was definite hand/knee co-ordinated action -wobbly, I will admit, and punctuated by a couple of carpet bellyflops, but there nonetheless. We are minutes away from "I HATE YOU/ You're SO embarressing/It's NOT FAIR/ it's MY life and I'm GETTING my tongue pierced."

My baby!


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